Bakhtiyarpur college of Engineering 1st semester BEE lab Experiment

bakhtiyarpur college of Engineering bee lab assignment ohm's law

  1. Experiment 1 :- Ohm's law ------------------------------- Click here
  2. Experiment 2 :- KVL and KCL---------------------------Click here
  3. Experiment 3 :-Superposition theorem------------------Click here
  4. Experiment 4 :-Thevenin Norton Max Pow theo------Click here
  5. Experiment 5 :-RC transient -----------------------------Click here
  6. Experiment 6 :-AC Series circuit------------------------Click here
  7. Experiment 7 :-Series resonance-------------------------Click here
  8. Experiment 8 :-Single phase transformer in OC and SC---Click here
  9. Experiment 9 :- ratio of single phase transformer----- Click here
